Andres Saucedo, Ajin Joy, Eric S. Daar, Mario Guerrero, Joseph Suresh Paul, Manoj K. Sarma and M. Albert Thomas. "Comparison of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for 3D Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging data using Total Variation and Statistically Optimized Perona-Malik Non-linear Diffusion." In Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting of ISMRM-ESMRMB, Paris, France, 2018 June.
U. K. S. Pillai , N. Thomas, C. Kesavadas, and J. S. Paul, “Image reconstruction for rapid imaging using sparsely sampled radial acquisition in MRI”, National Conference on Pattern Analysis and Applied Intelligence, 2013.
Souparnika N. K., D. S. Jacob, J. J. Mathew, and J. S. Paul, “A region growing approach using a connected tree path search algorithm”, National Conference on Pattern Analysis and Applied Intelligence, 2013.
U. K. S. Pillai, C. Kesavadas , and J. S. Paul, "Partial Fourier Reconstruction Using Subspace Projection", National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics. 2013.
U. K. S. Pillai, S. Sreekantan, and J. S. Paul, "A Bi-directional Homodyne Filter for Partial Fourier Reconstruction in MRI”,10th International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , 2014
YJ.Tan, WZ.Liu, YS.Yew, SH.Ong, JS.Paul, Speckle image analysis of cortical blood flow and perfusion using temporally derived contrasts, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, October 2004, pp.3323-3326.
CB.Patel, DL.Sherman, JS.Paul, N.Zhang, MA.Mirski, Residual entropy reveals effects of deep brain stimulation on neural activity in PTZ-induced epilepsy, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2003. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Sept. 2003, pp. 2281 – 2284.
JA.Ramos, JS.Paul, A total least squares approach for data reduction of longterm ECG recordings, Proceedings. 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Dec. 1999, pp. 6435 – 6440.
YM.Al-Assaf, H.Al-Nashash, JS.Paul, NV.Thakor, EEG signal segmentation using adaptive Markov process amplitude modelling, 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002, pp.173 – 174.
H.Al-Nashash, JS.Paul, NV.Thakor, Wavelet entropy method for EEG analysis: application to global brain injury, Proc. Neural Engineering, March 2003, pp.348 – 351.
JS.Paul, VJ.Kumar, and MRS.Reddy, An adaptive correlation based data compression based method for ECG. 5th National conference on Biomechanics, IIT, Madras, Feb. 1996, pp: 160-162.
JS.Paul, MRS.Reddy and VJ.Kumar, Model order determination of ECG signals using rational function approximations. Proc. IWSIP '96, Manchester, UK., Nov. 1996, pp.469-474.
JS.Paul, VJ.Kumar, and MRS.Reddy, Signal subspace approach to QRS detection, Proc. INCONBME'96, CIT-Coimbatore, Dec. 1996, pp.I-26 to I-29.
JS.Paul, MRS.Reddy and VJ.Kumar, Elimination of weak interfering components from ECG signals using Linear Prediction Analysis. Proc. of the 17th Southern Biomedical Conference, Minneapolis, USA, Sept. 1997.
JS.Paul, VJ.Kumar, and MRS.Reddy, Detection of PVC's using Autoregressive modelling. Proc. of 19th Intl. Conf. of IEEE-EMBS Chicago, Oct. 1997, pp. 68-71.
JS.Paul, MRS.Reddy and VJ.Kumar, Computer detection of P-waves from Wide QRS type arrhythmia recordings, Proc. of the 25th Annual Computers in cardiology Conference, Cleveland, Sep. 1998, pp.621-624.
JS.Paul, MRS.Reddy and VJ.Kumar, On Eigen Filter based extraction of ST-segment Parameters from Surface Electrograms, Proc. of the 20th Annual IEEE-EMBS Conference, Hong Kong, Nov. 1998.
JS.Paul, S.Tong, Y.Zhu, A.Bezerianos, NV.Thakor, Entropy of Brain Rhythms: Normal Versus Injury EEG, Proc. of the 11th IEEE Signal Proc. Workshop on Statistical methods in signal processing, April, 2001, pp.257 –260.
JS.Paul, S.Tong, DL.Sherman, A.Bezerianos, NV.Thakor, On the application of model based distance metrics of signals for detection of brain injury, Proc. of the 11th IEEE Signal Proc. Workshop on Statistical methods in signal processing, April, 2001, pp. 251 -264
JS.Paul, DF.Hanley and NV.Thakor, An Iterative Transform domain filter for detection of injury using coherence estimation in Evoked potential recorded during neurosurgery of the spine, Proc. IEEE-NSIP, Baltimore MD, July, 2001.
JS.Paul, DF.Hanley and NV.Thakor, Relating the banded entropy structure in Cortical Field potentials to the rhythmic burst firing of thalamocortical neurons, Proc. 31st SFN Annual meeting, San Diego, Nov. 2001.
MM.Buitrago, AR.Luft, J.Hagan, M.Ding, JS.Paul, NV.Thakor, DF.Hanley, ME.Blue, Effects of somatosensory stimulation on neuronal damage after cardiac arrest, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, May 2001, pp.558-560.
H.Al-Nashash, JS.Paul, W.Ziai, DF.Hanley, and NV.Thakor, Wavelet entropy for sub-band segmentation of EEG during injury and recovery, Proc. IFMBE-EMBEC'02, Vienna, 2002, pp. 430-431.
CB.Patel, JS.Paul, H.Al-Nashash, N.Zhang, W.Ziai, MA.Mirski, DL.Sherman, A Wavelet Entropy Approach for Predicting PTZ-Induced Seizures, Biomedical Engineering: Recent Developments, 21st Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, 9/28/02-9/29/02.
JS.Paul, CB.Patel, VK.Asari, and DL.Sherman, Unbiased Frequency Estimation of Narrowband Signals Using Procrustes Type Subspace Rotation, Proc. of the 27th International Conference of the IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando, Florida, USA, 5/13/02-5/17/02.
DL.Sherman, CB.Patel, JS.Paul, W.Ziai, N.Zhang, and MA.Mirski, Deep Brain Electrical Stimulation and Epilepsy: New Results from the Lab Bench, Johns Hopkins University Whitaker Biomedical Engineering Institute Inaugural Reunion Poster Session, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 5/2/03.
EYY.Seng, JS.Paul, Statistical measures based on Laser Speckle Contrast Analysis (LASCA) for quantification of vascular flow and perfusion changes during cortical stimulation, Proc. IASTED BioMED, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2004.